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Ben Lehman, I just saw that someone made a quiz out of
Robin's Laws. Here are my results:
| You scored as Storyteller. You're more inclined toward the role playing side of the equation and less interested in numbers or experience points. You're quick to compromise if you can help move the story forward, and get bored when the game slows down for a long planning session. You want to play out a story that moves like it's orchestrated by a skilled novelist or film director.
Method Actor | | 92% | Storyteller | | 92% | Tactician | | 75% | Specialist | | 67% | Power Gamer | | 50% | Butt-Kicker | | 33% | Casual Gamer | | 0% |
Law's Game Style created with |
Mostly right on, though I am actually partial to long planning sessions. When I play pretend with the Baker kids, Sebastian & Elliot, I sometimes get accused of dragging out the preparation time (drawing maps, coloring in our tiny robots & their cool jetpacks etc.) for too long. Elliot says "I want to
play already!" I'm like, "Aren't we playing already?"
For Elliot, play begins when we drop into character & start zooming around the room like we're flying the jetspeeders or what have you. (Does that make our pretend a larp?) For me, it starts as soon as we start talking about what setting we are going to use, and what characters we are choosing. I think most people would class what I call the start of play as pre-play, but it can be some of the most important parts of gaming: look at the
Pitch Session in Primetime Adventures. That's the spark that gives life to glue of this amazingly collaborative little game.