Breaking the Ice is available at IPR
As of today, you can now order Breaking the Ice from Indie Press Revolution.
IPR is an rpg distribution company run by independent game publishers Brennan Taylor of Galileo Games and Ed Cha of Open World Press. They distribute games for 20+ other independent game design companies including Ron Edward's Adept Press, Luke Crane's Burning Wheel and many more.
Some other crazily awesome games have recently been signed, and IPR just seems to keep getting to be a better place to get games.
It's a thrill to see BtI in there among this great stuff. Thanks guys!
all the best,
As of today, you can now order Breaking the Ice from Indie Press Revolution.
IPR is an rpg distribution company run by independent game publishers Brennan Taylor of Galileo Games and Ed Cha of Open World Press. They distribute games for 20+ other independent game design companies including Ron Edward's Adept Press, Luke Crane's Burning Wheel and many more.
Some other crazily awesome games have recently been signed, and IPR just seems to keep getting to be a better place to get games.
It's a thrill to see BtI in there among this great stuff. Thanks guys!
all the best,